Scholarship commission

# Mauro de Melo Junior

# Nicola Schiel

# Rômulo Romeu da Nóbrega Alves    

# Thiago Goncalves Souza

# Ingrid da Silva Lima

Committee objectives:

1. Organization of scholarship management rules

2. Evaluation and monitoring of scholarship students 


Social, Economic and Media Impact Commission

# Gustavo Taboada Soldati

# Priscila Fabiana Macedo Lopes

Committee objectives:

1. Diagnosis of dissertations and theses with potential social and economic impact

2. Diagnosis of teaching production and activity with potential social and economic impact

3. Activities to encourage the scientific dissemination of PPGEtno's production

4. Assessment of activities with potential social and economic impact

5. Create a form for student use as a way to quantify the impact of the studies (courses, mini-courses, training, didactic material, etc).


Planning Commission

# Ana Carolina Borges Lins e Silva

# Mauro de Melo Junior

# Ulysses Paulino de Albuquerque   


Committee objectives:

 1. Evaluate and update the PPGEtno strategic planning document

2. Articulate with the Self-Assessment Committee the needs for adjustments or creation in/of disciplines, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the PPGEtno

3. Feed the PPGEtno activity history on an annual basis

4. Articulate expected planning activities with those of internationalization

5. Articulate expected planning activities with those of social and economic impact


Self-Assessment Committee

# Patricia Muniz de Medeiros

# Washington Soares Ferreira Júnior


Committee objectives:

1. Create PPGEtno evaluation forms 

2. Assessment of teaching activity and subjects

3. Assessment of student production

4. Assessment of international production

5. Assessment of activities with potential social and economic impact