1. Synthesis
● PPGEtno's Area Weighted Citation Impact Index (FWCI) is 1.30 , which indicates that the combined intellectual output of the program's NP is 30% higher than the world average in the same area (or same publication profile). ).
● 100% of permanent professors have an H index ≥ 7.
● 80% of permanent professors have an H index ≥ 10.
● 30% of published articles have at least one international contributor. The FWCI of these productions with international contributors is 2.08.
● 17.5% of NP publications are among the “Top 10%” of the most viewed publications in the world.
● 87 articles (14.9%) are among the most cited articles in the world (Top 10%).
● 193 articles (34.9) were published in the most important newspapers in the world (Top 10%) according to CiteScore (see also Figure 1 , below).
● NP researchers were cited 3,768 between 2017 and 2020.
● In the quadrennium, two PDSE scholarships were approved (43 doctoral graduates in this period).
● In the quadrennium, four foreign students defended thesis at PPGEtno (out of 43 graduates).
● Program professors systematically publish with international partners from the following countries: Spain (1910 citations received in PPGEtno NP articles with a contributor from this country), Australia (1748 citations), United States (1234 citations), France (1067 citations), Iran (516 citations), Canada (461 citations), Mexico (442 citations), Netherlands (426 citations), Czech Republic (377 citations) and Italy (367 citations).
● Four books organized by NP professors published in major international publishers:
o Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology (Springer)
▪ Access link:
▪ https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9781493989188
the Ethnozoology (Elsevier)
▪ Access link:
▪ https://www.elsevier.com/books/ethnozoology/alves/978-0-12-809913-1
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South America Brazil (Springer )
▪ Access link:
▪ https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789402415506
the Ethnobotany for beginners (Springer)
▪ Access link:
Figure 1. Map of citations (2017 - 2020, only international and excluding Brazil) of articles published by PPGEtno professors and students
2. Historical development of bilateral partnerships and the international consolidation of the Program:
Considering the internationalization of PPGEtno, in this quadrennium we obtained an international collaboration that increased from 22% of articles published in 2017 to 36% in 2020, with an increase of 63% in international participation in 4 years. These data show that, since its creation, the PPGEtno has been actively participating and aiming at internationalization. The constant search for partnerships, for example, its interaction with the International School of Ethnobiology (created since 2013) made it possible to organize an event entitled: “International School of Ethnobiology: Advanced Topics in Ethnobiology”, which brought renowned scientists from other countries, as examples: Dr. Christian R. Vogl from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Dr. Julio A. Hurrell of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Dr. Nathalie Van Vliet from the University of Copenhagen, Dr. Ina Vandebroek from the Institute of Economic Botany - The New York Botanical Garden, among others, to discuss theoretical and methodological advances in the area, allowing students of the Graduate Program in Ethnobiology and Conservation of Nature (PPGEtno) to have a vision aligned with what has been thinking and producing internationally.
The partnership between the International School of Ethnobiology and PPGEtno promoted an interaction with the organizers and authors of the book 'Methods and Techniques in Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology', published by the renowned publisher Springer, which resulted in the realization of an advanced course on methods in ethnobiology, contributing to the training of PPGEtno students and students from other institutions. The success of this partnership was confirmed with the publication of the Second Edition of this book by the same publisher (Springer) in 2018. Perhaps more importantly, several chapters of these books were led by PPGEtno students. The program has already held two Symposia between Brazil and Argentina, one in Bariloche and the other in La Plata. Such symposia made it possible to bring together researchers, contributing to the systematization and organization of partnership relationships. Thus, this interaction made it possible to hold an Argentinian-Brazilian Seminar on Ethnobiology, in the city of La Plata – Argentina, an event that enabled interaction between PPGEtno students and students from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina, who presented and discussed the findings of your thesis works. PPGEtno professors also participated in this event, such as Dr. Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves, Ulysses Paulino de Albuquerque and Elcida de Lima Araújo, as well as professors from some institutions in Argentina, such as Aylen Capparelli from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Norma I. Hilgert from the Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Ana H. Ladio from the Universidad Nacional de Misiones Nacional del Comahue, María Lelia Pochettino of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata,
The partnerships fostered in the past quadrennium between PPGEtno researchers and foreign researchers were maintained. These researchers have participated in the co-orientation of students or have participated in the development of research/projects of the Ethnobiology and Nature Conservation Program. Among the foreign researchers who interact with PPGEtno professors, there are some:
(1) Dr Ana Ladio from the Universidad de Comahue in Argentina who is participating in a project coordinated by Prof. Ulysses Paulino de Albuquerque, in which other professors from the Program also participate, such as Profa. Elcida de Lima Araújo;
(2) Dr. Cory Miller from the University of California (USA) and Dr. Paul Garber (University of Illinois, USA), who are participating in projects coordinated by prof. Nicola Schiel and Prof. Antonio Souto.
(3) Dr. Thomas Bugnyar from the University of Vienna (Austria), who participates in collaboration with prof. Nicola Schiel and Prof. Antonio Souto.
(4) Dr. Paul Garber from the University of Illinois (USA), who participates in collaboration with prof. Nicola Schiel and Prof. Antonio Souto.
(5) Dr. Karl Cottenie from the University of Guelph, who participates in collaboration with prof. Thiago Gonçalves-Souza;
(6) Julia Koricheva - University of London (Department of Biological Sciences), who participates in collaboration with prof. Thiago Goncalves;
(7) Robert Poulin - University of Otago (Dept Zoology) - New Zealand, who participates in collaboration with prof. Thiago Gonçalves-Souza and was co-supervisor of student Paulo Mateus Sobrinho who did a sandwich internship in 2019 in New Zealand;
(8) Jorge Doña - University of Illinois (Prairie Research Institute), which participates in collaboration with prof. Thiago Gonçalves-Souza and participated in a scientific article published in the magazine Diversity and Distributions by doctoral student Reginaldo Gusmão (Master's graduate);
(9) Luke Parry - Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, which participates in collaboration with prof. Felipe Melo;
(10) Robin L. Chazdon - University of Connecticut - department ecology and evolutionary biology, who participates in collaboration with prof. Felipe Melo;
(11) Lenore Fahrig - Carleton University - Dept of Biology, who participates in collaboration with prof. Felipe Melo.
- Other strong indicators of PPGEtno's internationalization are listed below:
1. Program professors are part of the editorial board of prestigious international journals
- PLoS One (1 teacher) - A1
- Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2 professors) – A1
- Biotropica – A2 (1 teacher)
- Economic Botany (1 professor) – A2
- Ethnobiology and Conservation (3 professors) – A2
2. Subjects, lectures, courses and meetings with the participation of a professor from a foreign institution:
- Spatially-explicit mechanistic models in ecology (Prof. Juliano Cabral (University of Würzburg, Germany).
- 2nd Primate Field Course (Prof. Dr. Cory Miller, University of California)
- David Ludwig (University of Wageningen): participated in meetings in 2019 at the Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Socioecological Systems with PPGEtno students.
- Researcher Karl Cottenie (University of Guelph) participated in the 1st Community Ecology Workshop, held at UNESP and co-organized by professor Thiago Gonçalves Souza from PPGEtno.
3. International scientific meetings:
- PPGEtno supported the event “VII International Congress of Ethnobotany (VII ICEB) & II International Congress of Ethnozoology (I ICEZO)” which was held in Recife. This event certainly represented a milestone in the development of the projects of several students of the Program, since it had the participation of dozens of international researchers.
- Karl Cottenie (University of Guelph) attended meetings at the Laboratory of Ecological Synthesis and Biodiversity Conservation in 2018 to discuss projects with some PPGEtno students.
- The PPGEtno was organized by prof. Thiago Gonçalves and PPGEtno students the II Workshop of Community Ecology (https://simposioecologiaco.wixsite.com/site). The Workshop had the participation of renowned researchers in the area, being 10 researchers and 10 researchers, from seven countries (Germany, Brazil, Canada, Chile, United States, France and United Kingdom), offering lectures on studies of the ecology of communities and metacommunities. . PPGEtno professors and students participated in the same, who gave lectures or directly organized the dynamics of the online event. Until March 2021, the event had 21,463 hits and 184,200 interactions, involving a total of 25 countries in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Oceania and Africa.
- Between June and August 2020, the Laboratory for Ecological Synthesis and Biodiversity Conservation carried out a study group on the book “Handbook of Meta-analysis in Ecology and Evolution” edited by Professor Julia Koricheva from the Department of Biological Sciences, University of London. This group was created for laboratory students who develop Dissertation or Thesis at PPGEtno to improve their quantitative skills during the pandemic and, in this way, allow students to develop other articles while collections are affected by social isolation. The study group was organized by weekly debates with the participation of professors from Braziland from abroad. Students participated in all activities and the discussion was held in English. From Brazil, the professors involved were Professor Gustavo Romero (topic: Transforming ideas into a meta-analytical paper; UNICAMP) and Professor Paulo Enrique Peixoto (topic: Running Meta-Analysis in R; UFMG). From abroad, the author of the book, Profa. Dr. Julia Koricheva, who discussed the main limitations of meta-analysis in Ecology and Conservation, as well as researchers Dr. Fons Van der Plas (subject: Systematic review and data organization; University of Leipzig-Germany), Dr. Katie Barry (theme: Apples and oranges dilemma: challenges of meta-analysis in ecology; iDiv-Germany), Dr. Emma Ladouceur (theme: Bayesian meta-analysis in ecology; iDiv-Germany).
4. Sandwich Stage:
- Paulo Mateus Sobrinho (University of Otago, New Zealand - supervised by Prof. Dr. Robert Poulin, one of the biggest international names in studies of ecology and evolution of parasites);
- María Fernanda de la Fuente Castellón (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hulbert Curien - IPHC, Université de Strasbourg, France).
5. International funding:
- Patricia Muniz de Medeiros: L'oreal – UNESCO
- José da Silva Mourão: Newton Fund, The Royal Society, British Academy and The Academy of Medical Sciences
- Christini Caselli: Idea Wild
6. Foreign students
- Filipa Alexandre de Paulos Abreu (Portugal)
- Gerson Javier Torres Salazar ( Venezuela )
- María Fernanda D and La Fuente Castellón (Chile)
- Wendy Marisol Torres Avilez ( Mexico )
Another important point that contributed to the internationalization of the program was the approval of the Special Visiting Researcher project by CAPES (CFS-PVE process 88881.064998/2014-01) in 2014 (2014 to 2017), for the visit of the visiting professor, Dr. . Paul Garber, an anthropologist who works with primate ecology and conservation. The aforementioned PVE is a renowned researcher who has been working for more than 10 years as editor of the international journal American Journal of Primatology. The PVE made two visits a year along the entire length of the public notice. The cooperation resulted in a partnership beyond the period of validity of the public notice. In this sense, the visiting professor worked from 2016 to 2020 in the co-supervision of two doctoral students of the program (namely: María Fernanda de la Fuente, graduating in 2019; Filipa Paulos Abreu, graduating in 2020).https://primatefieldcourse2018.webnode.com/ ). These had theoretical/practical classes all taught entirely in English. These classes were taught with the help of PPGETNO students, professors and post-doctoral fellows. In 2018, we count on the arrival of Prof. Dr. Cory Miller from the University of California (USA) who also participated in the 2nd Primate Field Course. The course attracted participants from Brazil, China, Germany, USA among others. The partnership through PVE/CAPES has resulted, to date, in the publication of four articles in qualis A journals. All of these with the participation of PPGEtno professors and students.
### 2017 --------------------------------------------- ---------------
(1) PPGEtno brought in a professor from the University of Würzburg, Germany to teach courses in the program, entitled: Spatially-explicit mechanistic models in ecology and held the Ethnobiology and Nature Conservation Workshop, encouraging the participation of its students for a discussion about the different themes of studies developed in the program.
(2) Professors José da Silva Mourão (UEPB) and Karen Diele from Edinburgh Napier University; St Abbs Marine Station, UK approved a project entitled: Quantifying and reducing the environmental footprint of crab meat processing and scoping for bioactive compounds, funded by the National Council of State Foundations for Research Support (CONFAP) - and UK Institutions (Newton Fund, The Royal Society, British Academy and The Academy of Medical Sciences)
### 2018 --------------------------------------------- ---------------
(1) PPGEtno participated (with students and a professor) in a national event organized by UNESP on Community Ecology, with the participation of 40 students and 6 professors from all regions of Brazil, in addition to a professor from the University of Guelph (Canada). This participation demonstrates the potential of PPGEtno to integrate ecological studies in the training of its students, in addition to the strong training in ethnobiology;
(2) The professor of the permanent nucleus, Rômulo Alves, participated in a doctoral defense panel at the University of Sydney, Australia, by the student Bronwen Margarei Morrell;
(3) We are also counting on the arrival of Vedrana Slipodor, a doctoral student at Universität Wien (Austria) as a result of the exchange at this university with professors Nicola Schiel and Antonio Souto. The student came to collect part of her data for the PhD together with our students. This partnership has already resulted in an international article acceptance in 2020.
(4) The “Editor's Choice” award, in the renowned Animal Behaviour magazine, was awarded for an article published by professors Nicola Schiel, Antonio Souto, Christini Caselli and in cooperation with prof. Cory Miller (UCSD/USA) ( https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2017.12.009 )
### 2019 --------------------------------------------- ---------------
(1) Cooperation work between Professors Nicola Schiel and Antonio Souto with the University of Vienna, in the branch of Vedrana Slipodor's doctoral project, received the renowned BBC.CO.UK at the Baracuhy Biological Field Station (research site of the aforementioned professors ) for filming the documentary Primates: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000hrg0 . The activity of PPGEtno professors was logistical and scientific consultancy. The nominal acknowledgment is present at the end of the documentary;
(2) Professors Nicola Schiel and Antonio Souto participated in a workshop at UCSD / USA at the invitation of Professor Dr. Cory Miller;
(3) In response to cooperation, still from PVE/CAPES, we received a visit from Dr. Kimberley A. Phillips from the Department of Psychology, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, USA, which resulted in the publication of an international article jointly by PPGEtno students and faculty (DOI 10.7717/peerj.9365);
(4) The approval of UFRPE's PrInt project, with approved resources in the amount of R$ 13 million for the next 4 years, we intend to enhance the program's internationalization actions, such as exchange of students and professors, projects and publication together. An example of the benefits of this public notice were the two international missions carried out in 2019. To this end, the Coordination invested in the search for international partnerships to encourage collaboration with PPGEtno professors and students. In particular, an Institutional Mission was held at the Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Bariloche, Argentina) where the coordinator and vice-coordinator gave lectures and met with coordinators and directors to discuss bilateral partnerships. Furthermore, another Institutional Mission was carried out that same year at Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, USA) with a multidisciplinary team from UFRPE (including the PPGEtno Coordinator) with the aim of strengthening the partnership between the two institutions and stimulating the flow of students and professors in the PRINT-CAPES-UFRPE public notice. As a result of the pandemic, in 2020, the edicts were temporarily suspended.
(5) Professor Patrícia Muniz de Medeiros wins the L'oreal – UNESCO International Prize for Women in Science / in the Biological Sciences category (https://www.paramulheresnaciencia.com.br/premiadas/internacional/).
(6) Lecture given at Colégio F3: Food, Farming & Forestry (University of Lisbon), entitled: Socioecological systems in societal challenges: discussing the dynamics of traditional ecological knowledge and the conservation of biocultural diversity.
### 2020 --------------------------------------------- ---------------
Even in an atypical year, as a result of the pandemic, PPGEtno had a strong international presence.
(1) At the beginning of the year, PPGEtno participated in a Print/UFRPE meeting with the PRINT management committee, presenting proposals for future international cooperation;
(2) Paper presentation at an ABS Virtual Conference 2020 international congress by alumnus, professor and postdoctoral fellow at PPGETNO in cooperation with Professor Cory Miller from UCSD/USA:
(a) Does infant cry of wild common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) attract aerial diurnal predators? María Fernanda de la Fuente, Nicola Schiel, Antonio Souto, Christini B. Caselli;
(b) The functional significance of intergroup encounters in the cooperative breeding common marmoset. Christini B Caselli, Paulo HB Ayres, Antonio Souto, Nicola Schiel, Cory T Miller.
(3) Two PPGEtno professors, namely Prof. Ulysses Paulino de Albuquerque and Rômulo da Nobrega Alves, were considered as “Most Influential Scientists in the World” according to the evaluation of Plos Biology.
In view of the above, it is possible to verify that the PPGEtno presents a clear and strong consolidation of international partnerships. These result in the publication of articles, not only with professors of the program, but with students and post-docs. Here are some of these publications:
- Article resulting from the partnership and cooperation with PVE/CAPES (Garber, P.); professors (Schiel, N. and Souto, A.), student (De la Fuente) and postdoc (Caselli, C.): De la Fuente MF, Schiel N, Bicca-Marques JC, Caselli CB, Souto A, Garber PA . 2019. Balancing contest competition, scramble competition, and social tolerance at feeding sites in wild common marmosets ( Callithrix jacchus ). American Journal of Primatology 81(4):e22964. DOI 10.1002/ajp.22964.
- Article resulting from the partnership and cooperation with PVE/CAPES (Garber, P.); new cooperation (Phillips, K.), faculty (Schiel, N. and Souto, A.), student (De la Fuente, Abreu, F.): Garber, Paul A. McKenney, Anna C.; Bartlin-John, Evely; Bicca Marques, Julius Caesar; De La Fuente, Maria Fernanda; Abreu, Filipa; Souto, Antonio; Schiel, Nicola; Phillips, Kimberley A. Life in a harsh environment: the effects of age, sex, reproductive condition, and season on hair cortisol concentration in a wild non-human primate. PeerJ, v. 8, p. 1-18, 2020.
- Article “ Editor’s C hoice ” resulting from the partnership and cooperation with the University of California /SD (Miller, C.); professors (Schiel, N. and Souto, A.) and post-doc (Caselli, C.). Ayres, Paulo; Caselli, Christini; Castro, Shalana; Souto, Antonio; Schiel, Nicola; Miller, Cory. The role of extragroup encounters in a Neotropical, cooperative breeding primate, the common marmoset: a field playback experiment. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, v. 136, p. 137-146, 2018.
- Article in partnership with several PPGETNO professors and students in cooperation with David Ludwig : Albuquerque, Ulysses Paulino; Ludwig, David; Feitosa, Ivanilda Soares; De Moura, Joelson Moreno Brito; De Medeiros, Patricia Muniz; Gonçalves, Paulo Henrique Santos; Da Silva, Risoneide Henriques; Da Silva, Taline Cristina; Gonçalves-Souza, Thiago; Ferreira Junior, Washington Soares. Addressing social-ecological systems across temporal and spatial scales: a conceptual synthesis for Ethnobiology. HUMAN ECOLOGY, v. on, p. line-first, 2020.
- Publication in the renowned NATURE PLANTS by professor Ulysses Albuquerque together with authors from different locations around the world: Vandebroek, Ina Pieroni, Andrea STEPP, John Richard, Hanazaki, Natalia, Ladio, Ana, Alves, Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega* , Picking, David Delgoda, Rupika Maroyi, Alfred Van Andel, Tinde Quave, Cassandra L. Paniagua-Zambrana, Narel Y. Bussmann, Rainer W. Odonne, Guillaume Abbasi, Arshad Mehmood, Albuquerque, Ulysses Paulino*, et al. ; Reshaping the future of ethnobiology research after the COVID-19 pandemic. NATURE PLANTS, v. 2020, p. 1-8, 2020.
- Martins, PM, Poulin, R., and T. Gonçalves-Souza. 2020. Integrating climate and host richness as drivers of global parasite diversity. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, doi: 10.1111/geb.13213, publication resulting from the Sandwich Doctorate by student Paulo Mateus Martins Sobrinho.
### Reviewers in international journals --------------------------------
Biological Conservation, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, Journal of Arid Environments, Tourism Management, Animal Cognition, Oecologia Australis, Pharmaceutical Biology; Toxicology in Vitro, Iranian Journal of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, South African Medical Journal, Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, Yonsei Medical Journal, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, Medicinal Chemistry Research; International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Applied Herpetology, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, African Journal of Biochemistry Research, African Journal of Agricultural Research, Human Ecology, Tropical Conservation Science, Journal of Animal Ecology, Ecology, Ecography, Functional Ecology, Journal of Vegetation Science, Ecological Entomology, Biotropica, PLoS ONE, Scientific Reports, Ecology and Evolution, Hydrobiologia, International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Hoenea, Acta Scietarum Biological Science, Marine Biology (Berlin), Mare Magnum, Pan- American Journal of Aquatic Science, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, Labohidro, Checklist Journal, Integrative and Comparative Biology, Biological Sciences, Medicinal Chemistry Research, Neotropical Biology and Conservation, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências , Tropical Conservation Science, West Indian Medical Journal, Pharmacognosy Magazine; Journal of Health and Biotechnology, International Journal of Food Properties, Bulletin of Insectology, Pharmaceutical Biology,