1. Synthesis
- 92% of NP professors published at least two (2) articles in journals with Qualis A1 (only publication without duplication among NP professors was included). That is, only one professor did not publish 2 A1 articles and another professor, despite having published, had no student in the quadrennium.
- 96% of NP professors published at least two (2) articles in journals with Qualis A1 or A2 (only publication without duplication among NP professors was included).
- PPGEtno publications were aggregated into 218 topics according to the “Topic & Clusters” of the SciVal platform. The average value of the PROMPT measure was calculated using two rules to understand the relevance of the themes addressed in the scientific productions of the PPGEtno compared to the universe of productions in our area in the world . In the first rule, we calculated the average of the PROMPT for the 150 topics with the highest percentile and thus found a value of 91.33 . The second rule, the average of the PROMPT for the 150 articles with the highest percentile, finding a value of 97.764 . The 10 most important topics, by line of research, were as follows:
- Cognitive systems and use of natural resources
- Silver Nanoparticles; Acid Gold Tetrachloride; Biofabrication [Prominence percentile = 99.96]
- Bombs; pollinators; Neonicotinoids [Prominence percentile = 99.80]
- Kelch Like ECH Associated Protein 1; Transcription Factor Nrf2; Antioxidant Responsive Element [Prominence percentile = 99.79]
- Biosorption; isotherms; Second-Order Model [Prominence percentile = 99.78]
- Ecological and evolutionary bases of the relationships between people and nature
- Climate Change Adaptation; Urban Climate; Adaptive Capacity [Prominence percentile = 99.88]
- Social-ecological Systems; Ecological Resilience; Advocacy Coalition Framework [Prominence percentile = 99.81]
- Greenspace; Green Infrastructure; Cultural Ecosystem Services [Prominence percentile = 99.77]
- Ecological synthesis, conservation and management of biodiversity
- Cultural Ecosystem Services; Service Value; Natural Capital [Prominence percentile = 99.94]
- Maximum Entropy; Biogeography; Environmental Space [Prominence percentile = 99.86]
- Functional Diversity; Plant Communities; Ecosystem Stability [Prominence percentile = 99.85]
- Cognitive systems and use of natural resources
- A registered patent: β -Ag2MoO4 microcrystals: Characterization, antibacterial properties, and modulation analysis of antibiotic activity3
2. Economic, social and cultural impact of the program regarding products considered "highlight"
Product 1. Nascimento, DM, Alves, RRN, Barboza, RRD, Schmidt, AJ, Diele, K. & Mourão, JS (2017) Commercial relationships between intermediaries and harvesters of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) in the Mamanguape River estuary, Brazil, and their socio-ecological implications. Ecological Economics , 131, 44–51.
- Line of research: Ecological and evolutionary bases of the relationships between people and nature
- Scope and impact: potentially international impact as it represents a bibliographic product published in a respected international journal, and real national impact since part of the research (and the group associated with the project) subsidized Ordinance No. ) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and Supply. Thus, these impacts are (i) political, since it is linked to a federal government ordinance, (ii) environmental, since it affects crab fishing, and (iii) cultural, since it interferes with attitudes and behaviors. of fishermen in the region. FWCI = 16.72 (world average = 1); Prominence percentile: 83,067.
- Justification: and this Dissertationwas guided by Prof. Dr. José da Silva Mourão and was part of the project Network for Monitoring Reproductive Gaits of the Uçá Crab (Ucides cordatus) “REMAR”. In the period from 2014 to 2019, the Monitoring Network of Reproductive Walks of Crabs - REMAR, coordinated by the teachers: Dr. Karen Diele – Edinburgh Napier University, UK and Dr. Anders J. Schmidt – Federal University of Southern Bahia and by researchers from several states along the Brazilian coast (Amapá (UEAP), Pará (UFPA and RESEX de Soure/ICMBio), Paraíba (Prof. Dr. José da Silva Mourão-UEPB) , Sergipe (UFSE), Bahia (UFSB), Espírito Santo (UFES), Paraná (UFPR) and Santa Catarina (UFSC) recorded the occurrence of crabs in the reproductive period along the Brazilian coast,
The article published in the journal Ecological Economics is part of an effort to give visibility and voice to an occupational group called crab-eating crabs. Since they are on the socioeconomic margins of society, this group is heavily dependent on another group, who are the middlemen or intermediaries in the production chain ofu. cordatus. Understanding this relationship, which is often exploratory, but which is not always perceived by the collectors, started from the proximity of the researcher with these two groups, through the participation in their activities, as well as in everyday life as a whole. Thus, the mutual trust between researcher and researched and the observation of the context of fishing activity began nine years earlier with previous research also developed on the universe of fishing for this natural resource in the same place. However, living for a period in the Tramataia village, belonging to the municipality of Marcação - PB, further narrowed this relationship during data collection for the aforementioned work, generating greater reliability. All this made it possible to analyze how delicate the commercial relationship between collectors and middlemen is,
As an example of fishing pressure, since the collectors need to obtain large productions, due to the low valuation of their product. Having analyzed these problems, the need arose to disseminate this article to other researchers in Brazil and the world via an online journal and from there it was highlighted in an interview produced by a scientific dissemination magazine. Just as the material was made available to the manager of the conservation unit, where these workers are, in order to assist in decision-making regarding management, by also including middlemen, who until then were not perceived as to their influence on sustainability. from fishing.
Product 2. Barbosa-Filho, MLV, Souza, GBG de, Faria Lopes, S. de, Hauser-Davis, RA, Siciliano, S. & Silva Mourão, J. da. (2020) Artisanal Fisher Knowledge and Attitudes Concerning Compressor Fishing in a North-Eastern Brazilian Marine Protected Area. Human Ecology, 48, 357–366.
- Line of research: Ecological and evolutionary bases of the relationships between people and nature
- Scope and impact: potential international impact once the article was published in a prestigious journal. Local symbolic impact as it affects the administration of the Conservation Unit via changes in the management plan. FWCI = undisclosed 2020 value; Prominence percentile: 99,160.
- Justification: twork developed by student Márcio Barbosa Filho and supervised by Prof. José da Silva Mourão with strong participation of NP professor Sérgio Lopes. Compressor fishing is a highly impacting practice, both economically and environmentally, as well as in relation to the health of those who practice it. Although the capture of aquatic animals through compressor diving occurs in several countries, especially in developing countries in America and Asia, there are few scientific works around the world that focus on this type of fishery. The article addresses the perceptions of fishermen who benefit from the Marine Extractive Reserve regarding the performance of fishermen from other regions in and around this Conservation Unit. This UC was created precisely because of the claim of native fishermen from the extreme south of Bahia, who perceived severe socio-environmental impacts from this activity. In this sense, it is noteworthy that the data from the aforementioned scientific article were passed on spontaneously by the interviewees, that is, there were no specific questions on this topic in the form. This fact highlights the high interest of the beneficiaries in denouncing the insistence of outsiders in carrying out illegal fishing in the UC region, given that native fishermen do not carry out this practice. Living with local fishermen made it possible for the researcher to carry out basic actions in partnership with the management team of Resex do Corumbau in several communities. For example, presentations were made on the Fisheries Agreement, which is the document that guides the management of the UC.will be the definitive guide for local fisheries management.
Product 3. Sobral, A., Torre-Cuadros, M. de los Á.L., Alves, RRN & Albuquerque, UP (2017) Conservation efforts based on local ecological knowledge: The role of social variables in identifying environmental indicators. Ecological Indicators, 81, 171–181.
- Line of research: cognitive systems and use of natural resources
- Scope and impact: international scope, but with direct local application in the management of Conservation Units . FWCI = 1.36 (world average = 1); Prominence percentile: 93,927.
- Justification: work developed by the student André Sobral and supervised by Prof. Ulysses Paulino de Albuquerque and co-supervision of Prof. Maria de Los Angeles La Torre-Cuadros (Universidad La Molina Peru). The research was developed in the first Brazilian National Forest, FLONA - Araripe, with the purpose of building indicators for the monitoring of target species of local extractivism. The investigation considered some main extractive products, based on the experience of local collectors. The research resulted in a proposal of indicators, built with the involvement of different social actors, to monitor the health of populations of species targeted by extractivism. The results were presented to the managers of the Conservation Unit.
Product 4. Carvalho, RMA, Martins, CF, Nóbrega Alves, RR & Alves, Â.GC (2018) Do emotions influence the motivations and preferences of keepers of stingless bees? Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 14, 47.
- Line of research: Cognitive systems and use of natural resources
- Scope and impact: direct local scope, but with potential for regional replication for other bee keepers (meliponiculturists). In addition, the workshop had a local educational impact. FWCI = 1.25 (world average = 1); Prominence percentile: 93,985.
- Justification: the Thesis developed by student Roberta Carvalho and supervised by Prof. Ângelo Alves had direct local importance, as he held workshops and feedback for honey producers. In addition, a workshop to share results with municipal schools in the municipality of Timbaúba, where data from the respective Thesis had been collected . The title of the workshop was “Sharing knowledge about bees and their breeders” . The event took place on June 13, 2018, at the Elvira de Albuquerque Maranhão Municipal School, in Timbaúba (PE), with the presence ofof municipal teachers and a representative of the Municipal Education Department. The workshop was carried out under the coordination of the thesis advisor (Angelo G. Chaves Alves), with the collaboration of Rayane Karoline Silva Santos (then a student of Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences and a PIBIC/UFRPE fellow), Maria Carolina Sotero (then a doctoral student at the PPGetno) and the author of the Thesis (Roberta Monique Amâncio de Carvalho).
Product 5. Martins, PM, Poulin, R., and T. Gonçalves-Souza. 2020. Integrating climate and host richness as drivers of global parasite diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, doi: 10.1111/geb.13213.
- Line of research: Ecological synthesis , conservation and management of biodiversity
- Scope and impact: potential international impact in the environmental area. This article provides support for Parasitic Macroecology which is closely associated with Disease Macroecology. The results of this global study of amphibian parasites will allow a better understanding of how climate change can affect biodiversity and, perhaps more importantly, how macroecological models can be more comprehensive to include biotic interactions. improve FWCI = 2020 undisclosed value; Prominence percentile: 97,499.
- Justification: ThesisPhD student Paulo Mateus Martins was supervised by Prof. Thiago Gonçalves Souza and co-supervised by Prof. Robert Poulin, University of Otago, New Zealand (via CAPES-supported sandwich internship). The student has made the largest global compilation of amphibian parasite data to date, comprising over 600 populations of 362 amphibian species in 10 zoogeographic zones (including all continents). The main theoretical implications of this work are: (i) the understanding of the climatic and biological variables driving the global diversity of parasites, (ii) the potential to understand and predict how climate change may affect the future distribution of hosts and their parasites and , finally, (iii) the possibility of generalizing the results to other parasite and host systems which may help in our understanding of disease “outbreak”. In addition, the work provides an open access technical-scientific database that may also favor the testing of othermacroecological hypotheses not investigated in this article.
- Data base:
3. Other social and economic impacts of the Program's professors, but not directly related to the five products indicated:
- Gustavo Taboada Soldati:
- Teacher Description:I have been invited to build, since 2014, in dialogue with the Ministry of the Environment and the Civil House, the Bills that resulted in the “New Biodiversity Framework”. This Law defines public strategies for the use and management of all national biodiversity. Within the scope of the National Council for the Management of Genetic Heritage, I compose, at the same time, the two Sectorial Chambers, the Chamber of the Academy and the Chamber of Holders (Traditional Peoples). At the beginning of 2020, I followed the certification of the “evergreen pickers” (one of the traditional peoples who are my partners) by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. In this event, the agricultural system of these people, ways of using the landscape and biodiversity, was recognized as a “world heritage” for conservation, the first in the country and the fourth in Latin America. I am very proud to have been part of the technical team that, from Ethnobiology, wrote the dossier that supported this recognition and also the Dynamic Conservation Plan for this system. As a result of my entire line of research, I was invited to build, in 2020, the Territorial Action Plan for Espinhaço Mineiro, one of the priority areas across the country, as an action developed by the Department of Conservation and Management of Species of the Secretary of Biodiversity of the Ministry of the Environment within the scope of Pro-especies (National Program for the Conservation of Endangered Species). In that wrote the dossier that supported this recognition and also the Dynamic Conservation Plan for this system. As a result of my entire line of research, I was invited to build, in 2020, the Territorial Action Plan for Espinhaço Mineiro, one of the priority areas across the country, as an action developed by the Department of Conservation and Management of Species of the Secretary of Biodiversity of the Ministry of the Environment within the scope of Pro-especies (National Program for the Conservation of Endangered Species). In that wrote the dossier that supported this recognition and also the Dynamic Conservation Plan for that system. As a result of my entire line of research, I was invited to build, in 2020, the Territorial Action Plan for Espinhaço Mineiro, one of the priority areas across the country, as an action developed by the Department of Conservation and Management of Species of the Secretariat of Biodiversity of the Ministry of the Environment within the scope of Pro-especies (National Program for the Conservation of Endangered Species). In that as an action developed by the Department of Conservation and Management of Species of the Secretariat of Biodiversity of the Ministry of the Environment within the scope of Pro-especies (National Program for the Conservation of Endangered Species). In that as an action developed by the Department of Conservation and Management of Species of the Secretariat of Biodiversity of the Ministry of the Environment within the scope of Pro-especies (National Program for the Conservation of Endangered Species). In thatperiod, I was a professor in charge or participated in four subjects: a)Economic Botany; b) Agrarian Sector and Social Organization in Brazil; c) Rural Extension; and d) Environmental Management. In 2020, I participated as Professor of the Course on Evolutionary Ethnobiology, promoted by the Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Socioecological Systems at the Federal University of Pernambuco. I developed the native application of the Botanical Garden of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, which I am Director, a fundamental tool for Environmental Education actions. Also within the scope of the Botanical Garden, I organized the 1st Seminar on Stingless Bees and the 2nd Training Course for Environmental Educators. I am one of the organizers of the booklet “Our knowledge about biodiversity: safeguarding an ancestral heritage”, which presents the complexity of Law 13123 for different peoples and traditional communities.
- Severino Mendes
- Ongoing research project - National Epidemiological Surveillance Network of SARS-COV-2 Coronavirus and other Emerging Pathogens in Bats, Birds and other Wild Reservoirs in the context of One Health. In this project I serve as Team Coordinator for the Northeast Region Emerging infectious diseases in humans are often caused by viruses present in vertebrates, and it becomes increasingly clear that zoonotic disease outbreaks present an enormous challenge to global health and safety in all. the levels. With increasing globalization and urbanization, zoonoses pose a great risk to public health and the economy.This project intends to set up a National Epidemiological Surveillance Network for SARS-COV-2 Coronavirus and other Emerging Pathogens in Bats, Birds and other Wild Reservoirs to detect and analyze in different Brazilian regions (Amazon, Northeast, Pantanal, Atlantic Forest, Lagoa do Peixe and Extreme South of the Country) Our purpose is to understand the eco-epidemiological characteristics of SARS-COV2 and other viruses with zoonotic potential in birds and bats, and the interrelationships between the biology and ecology of the hosts and the prevalence and diversity of viruses. Social benefits include training researchers in an interdisciplinary context, with the ability to assess and mitigate risks associated with zoonotic diseases. So,viral spillover from wild animals to humans. It is imperative for science and for the defense (environmental and health) of the national territory. In cases of pandemics that may occur in different regions of the planet, these data will be of great importance in monitoring, since from it it is possible to create protection and alert systems to control the spread of pathogens.
- Angelo Giuseppe Alves:
- A workshop to share results with municipal schools in the municipality of Glória do Goitá, where data from the respective Thesis had been collected . The title of the workshop was “From mulungu to mamulengo: “The role of the teacher in the connection of knowledge”. The event took place on November 11, 2019, at the Pedagogical Center of the Municipal Department of Education in Glória do Goitá (PE), with the presence of municipal teachers and representatives of the Municipal Department of Education. The workshop was held under the coordination of the Thesis co-supervisor(Angelo G. Chaves Alves), with the collaboration of Rayane Karoline Silva Santos (then a student of Bachelor of Biological Sciences and a PIBIC/UFRPE fellow) and the author of the Thesis (Maria Carolina Sotero).
- Washington Ferreira Junior:
- Implementation of the extension project entitled "Medicinal plants native to the caatinga: promoting the exchange between popular and scientific knowledge", in which extension actions were carried out in public schools in the municipality of Petrolina, in order to favor the exchange of knowledge about plants medicinal plants native to the caatinga. Initially, a booklet was produced on native plants of the caatinga indicated as medicinal by a rural community in northeastern Brazil, the result of research in the community by the Laboratory of Biocultural Investigations in the Semiarid of the University of Pernambuco. The production of the booklet allowed its application both in schools in the region, to favor the teaching of science contextualized with the reality of the caatinga, and in the research partner community itself, through return activities.
- Marcelo Alves Ramos
- Coordination of the extension project "Intercultural dialogue in science and biology classes: contributions of ethnobiology to a contextualized botany teaching" financed by the Dean of Extension and Culture of the University of Pernambuco, which made it possible to hold training meetings with teachers from the University of Pernambuco. basic education on the importance of intercultural dialogue and local ecological knowledge in science and biology teaching and to build didactic-pedagogical materials that can serve as a basis for the promotion of educational practices with an emphasis on intercultural dialogue. Coordination of the research project “Teaching conceptions and practices on the appreciation of students' local knowledge in science and biology classes” funded by the Dean of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation at the University of Pernambuco, which seeks to analyze the conceptions of undergraduate students in biological sciences (in initial training), on valuing students' local knowledge in science and biology classes, and through the supervised internship to build theoretical approaches and practices (didactic sequences) to work this approach.